Monday, January 9, 2012

Pimples to Dimples, Ain't He Cute

Cameron went through the "pimple" phase of his life. He got the baby acne just like every baby does. He has since outgrown it and moved into more of the "dimple" phase of his life. I love this part! The smiles are so adorable. He is definitely a watcher and a listener. He is so alert, and has been from the day he was born. Cameron will smile back at you and repeat the various sounds that he hears. He does the ooing and cooing like all babies should. The sounds he says a lot of are "ohhhh", "agggg", and one that sounds like "hi" once we've said "hi" to him. He does various happy squeals, giggles, and laughs at times, too. Today, I happened to be playing with him a lot after he woke up from a nap and thought I would catch a wonderful picture of him smiling. He's got dimples in each cheek and in his chin, too. From "Pimples to Dimples, Ain't He Cute?"

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