Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cookies, Cookies & More Cookies - The Sale Begins

Here's my Girl Scout Cookie Seller, Anna James. She has been in Girl Scouts since she was in Kindergarten. She is now is 5th grade. She loves her leaders, the girls, the fun things they get to do, and selling Girl Scout cookies (more than selling the Fall Products). Everybody LOVES Girl Scout cookies. You can't eat just one and you can't just buy one box, either. My favorites are definitely the Thin Mints. It is quite easy to eat through one whole column of cookies inside the box, if not more, once they are opened. That's just counting me and not sharing with the family! Today, Anna and I will spend some time contacting friends and family by email, phone, or in person. She can't go door-to-door, but she can go to the people she knows that live in the neighborhood. That's our plan. I sent out a Facebook message yesterday letting people know she is prepared and that the cookie sales will be starting. A few people mentioned that they were interested in ordering. We'll start with them first. Grandma James said that she would like hers "home" delivered. I think we can deliver to her when it is around the James Family reunion, if she doesn't mind waiting.

Here's a little update on how our selling went. We didn't get out the door until after 3:30pm, since we had been cleaning house and other stuff. A few people were not home, but those neighbors that were there and wanted to buy some, Anna and I ended up chatting, too. We chatted with people at every house that bought from her. Later on, we came home and called various friends and neighbors. Grandma James and my niece, Jawana, even wanted to buy some, too, to help her out. I'm proud of Anna. She could have spoken with more people, but by the end of the night she had 100 boxes of cookies sold. Now she has 100 more boxes to go to meet her goal and 22 more days till the order forms are due. That's a long time to sell, but they are not suppose to sell door-to-door to people they don't know. Basically, she will contact friends, family, and a few teachers at school. Awesome job, Anna! I can't wait to receive my cookies when they arrive on February 11th!

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