Saturday, February 11, 2012

Lookie, Lookie, Who's Got Cookies!

Cookie pick-up was today! Anna's troop had an assigned time to pick-up the cookies. I offered to help sort them, so when our pick-up person brought them to the "sorting house", Anna and I arrived to assist. Anna had the largest amount of cookies ordered, so we were able to gather up her cookies first and then continue sorting the cookies for the other girls in her troop.

Anna had set a goal to sell 200 boxes of cookies. Not only did she achieve that goal, but she passed it by quite a bit. She did a great job and sold 275 boxes. I'm so proud of her.

Once we brought the cookies home, then our own sorting began. Anna had previously written names and the amounts due on grocery bags which allowed us to easily separate the orders for her customers. We finished sorting around 12:30pm, I fed Cameron, and then our family headed off for Olivia Nygard's baptism at the church at 1:00pm.

Luckily, we were able to ask people ahead of time if they would be attending the baptism and we could deliver the cookies afterwards. We connected up with 7 families at the baptism. I sent 2 orders with Benjamin to take to the Stake Center when he watched our Young Men play basketball. Anna and I delivered almost all of the other orders. We have a few orders to mail to Grandma James, Jawana, Benae, and Jessica, and a few other neighbors and family members to deliver to as well.

I'm glad we were able to accomplish so much, but unfortunately, we spent about 5 hours driving around delivering. It gave Anna and I a nice chance to be together and stop off and pick-up a McDonald's treat. I got a McDouble and a medium-sized Shamrock shake and she got a McChicken and a medium-sized Shamrock shake - YUM!

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