Saturday, February 4, 2012

Families Can Be Together Forever

These were the flowers that I bought today to display as centerpieces for the tables at the Maurer's family luncheon. Their son, Gregory J. Maurer, passed away on January 31, 2012. Each bunch of carnations had 10 flowers. I bought two bunches of orange, two bunches of white, and two bunches of baby's breath. Eleven tables were set up with an orange and white carnation inside each small vase with ribbon tied around the outside of them. We used the Relief Society's white tablecloths along with Jacquie Korella's square brown tablecloths over them. It was beautiful.

Since I was recently called to be a Compassionate Service Leader a few weeks ago, I have been able to be a part of the wonderful love, friendship, and service that goes on in our ward. I was so grateful to the many sisters and brethren who helped in every capacity for the wake, funeral, and luncheon.

Having something like a funeral brings to your mind once again the eternal nature of the Plan of Salvation. I am grateful for the love of my Heavenly Father, my Savior - Jesus Christ, my friends, and my family. I love that I have an eternal family that I was born into, a family that has been sealed together with the priesthood power that exists in the temples of Christ's church - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I'm grateful for having my own eternal family with my husband, Clinton James, and our wonderful five children - Benjamin, Anna, Emma, Justin, and Cameron.

Not only have I heard since my childhood that Families Can Be Together Forever, but I have a testimony of it. I know this to be true, because of a loving Heavenly Father who allowed his son to come to earth, die for each and every one of us, and was resurrected. Without his sacrifice, there would not be a way for us to return to our Heavenly Father, and without the sealing ordinance through the power of the priesthood on the earth today, families would not be sealed forever. I hope and pray that I can live righteously to live with my family forever, and that they do the same.

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