Cameron was so intent on studying and watching the camera and what I was doing. I tried several times pulling the camera away from my face, trying to get him to smile or laugh, and then quickly take the picture. Inevitably, I would be too late. Here is the only picture that I took where he was happy. All of the others his expression was one of intent. It was like night and day. One moment I am getting him to smile and as soon as the camera would go in front of my face, he would stare at it in wonder and awe. It was funny, but a little frustrating.
Cameron has begun lifting up his knees a little bit when he is applying pressure to his hands and raising his upper body. He's not on his knees yet and ready for crawling, but because of the stronger pressure he puts on the floor with his hands, he ends up scooting or moving backwards. With his excitement to reach for toys, that's when he usually does it, so he ends up further from them. It's amusing to watch.
The front of his shirt has a picture of an octopus on it and the shirt says, "Into Everything". He's not there yet, but I am definitely alright with that. Cameron's time will come soon enough.
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