From what I understand, this is a well-known place and a wonderful opportunity for their group to be playing there. Normally we wouldn't be doing something like this, but since it is for school, he attended.
The last two sessions of General Conference were today and he and Clinton were able to get most of it. They left the last hour of the second session to head out and be there early enough before they were to perform. Following their performance, the Chicago Grandstand Big Band performed for everyone. I'm sure it was enjoyed by all. I'm glad he has opportunities like this to listen to great performers. His old band instructor from Meadowview Elementary School, Mr. Payne, performed twice in the Chicago Grandstand Big Band and his current band instructor from Jefferson Junior High School, Mr. Carlson, performed once. His performance was actually a solo. Such great talent. I wish I could have been there to see it and to hear it, but I stayed with the other kids at home. I had a good night at home, too.
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