Sunday, April 22, 2012

The End of My So-Called Freedom

Cameron has just started getting up on one knee - this is the end of my so-called freedom.  It's not so difficult when you have a child that is not mobile.

This brings on a whole lot more worry when they can start moving around more and getting into EVERYTHING that is left on the floor or down low.  I guess we'll have to do more housework than we have done in the past.

Actually, he has been rolling around from his back to his tummy, from his tummy to his back, sometimes it was going back and forth and sometimes it was more of a continuous roll.  Now, it won't be long before he gets into much more.  This is an exciting step in his growing up, but I still am fine if he waits a while longer.  Maybe he was able to be on one knee a little bit easier since the car seat was behind him and it gave his legs more support.  We'll see soon enough.

Hopefully with Cameron being such a good baby, he won't be too bad.  The hard thing is that these little ones don't understand everything yet of what we're saying.  So at first, even though you tell them not to do something, they're not sure what you just said.

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